Saturday, June 21, 2008


What an adventurous group of people teachers are! So what if many of us had never kayaked before? So what if the Pamlico Sound is the largest lagoon on the East Coast (80 miles long)? We settled right in and got to paddling! We paddled around Springer's Point and then hopped out (well, actually I fell out) for a nature walk. We were introduced to some of the island's plantlife and then heard the story of the eccentric Sam Jones. Finally, we were entertained by the sight of his grave. He's buried with his horse, Ikey D.

How many people get to say that they have sailed in Teach's Hole where the infamous Blackbeard was beheaded? Well, NC Teachers of the Year can! Legend says you may see the old pirate if you're out there at night. Luckily, we still had plenty of daylight.

We saw amazing wildlife there - and I'm not talking about the teachers! Turtles swam by, and all types of gulls were diving for dinner. We returned to our starting point, Silver Lake (known as "The Creek" by locals,) and then relaxed a bit before paddling to shore.

We are pleased to report that there were no drownings or serious injuries...only a few bumps and bruises like a normal day of teaching.

We ended the day with a picnic overlooking the water on the lovely deck of NCCAT Ocracoke. And nothing is more entertaining than "teacher stories." They were in abundance after dinner as relationships were strengthened and life long friends were made.

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