Sunday, November 16, 2008

Four Day Week But Still Busy!

This week began with another visit to a college campus - this time Campbell University in Buies Creek, North Carolina. The Teaching Fellows program there is only in its second year of existence so I was speaking to freshmen and sophomores, but they were an excited group of teachers-to-be, and I was very impressed! They were dressed professionally while providing student representatives to introduce me and pronounce me "an honorary Campbell Teaching Fellow." I have to tell you...that felt pretty good!

On Tuesday, schools and offices were closed to acknowledge Veteran's Day. I was happy to keep all veterans in my thoughts, but especially my brother who is a Vietnam Vet. Some of my most traumatizing childhood memories are of our trips to the airport to deliver my brother to the planes that would take him to dangerous places. Thank goodness he always came home safely.

Tuesday night brought a provocative presentation to the EPFP group by Judge Manning of the Leandro Case. It was certainly thought provoking to hear him speak of the history of the case and the outcomes.

On Thursday I participated in The Celebration of Teaching at UNC-Charlotte. There were 350 audience members, including area high schools represented by their Teacher Cadets, members of the Teaching Fellows program, and as a special treat, my daughter was in attendence. Kelli is a doctoral student at UNCC, and she was on campus and able to hear my presentation.

Here's a picture taken by Kelli from the balcony. She sat up there and clicked nonstop like paparazzi!

I left Charlotte and drove five hours to Brunswick County, where, on Friday, I spoke to principals at the Principal of the Year luncheon. I just may have met the nicest people in the world in Southport! They were all so appreciative of me being there, and even though they were there to celebrate their principals, I felt celebrated, too!

Next week is a long one...I'll be speaking at the Exceptional Children's Conference, visiting Innovative Schools, speaking at a Teacher of the Year announcement and National Board Certified Teachers meeting, and attending a meeting with the Teacher of the Year team at LEARN NC. Wow...I think I'm tired already...

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